About Genesis IVF

The Genesis Fertility Research Center houses state-of-the-art range of infertility equipments and treatments. Our IVF lab is one of the most modern, completely equipped labs in India. We pioneered the use of Trigas incubator system since 1998 which is the first one of its kinds in India in addition to the routine CO2 incubators. In that, we utilize 5% O2, 6 % CO2 and 89% N2 which gives the embryos an ideal environment, as it finds in the mother’s Fallopian tubes. Now we have four Trigas incubators and five conventional CO2 incubators which serve our infertile population in the most efficient way.
Recently we upgraded the culture system with the latest, most versatile incubator called K -SYSTEM – G185, which can nurture 40 couples’ embryos at the same time. This has a computer based surveillance system helping the embryologists to learn about the culture conditions then and there, without being present inside the laboratory.

Our other culture facilities include
Stage specific, Sequential Culture Medias are being used as per the need of growing embryos, depending on the day of culture. Integrated vertical laminar flow work stations, positive pressure ventilation and the latest Nikon stereozoom & Inverted Microscopes with motorized Micromanipulators, aid our genuine Embryo Culture System to lead with the best “Take home Baby rates”.
We adopt ” Sequential Embryo Transfer ” technique wherein, third day embryos are transferred to the uterus as FIRST ET, followed by fifth day Embryo transfer called BLASTOCYST – transfer, a viable ball of cells with cavity (Blastocoele) containing more than 60 cells as inner and outer cell masses. This second Embryo Transfer is the latest modality which is a hall mark for our whole Infertility treatment system. Very few couples may not have the opportunity to go for second ET with blastocyst, which is already explained to them, if the number of eggs retrieved are less or the integrity of the growing embryos are poor.
We also help couples by providing complete investigation modes for infertility under one roof in the specified manner, like Operative video hysterolaparoscopy which corrects tubal blocks, endometriotic lesions and intrauterine lesions & septums.
Male infertility couples are also benefited since we have facilities and specialists for Surgical Sperm Retrieval procedures like TESA, MESA, PESA & TESE etc to use ICSI procedures as per their sperm counts in the ejaculate or extracted secretions from testes or epididymis. This procedure really helps the couple who have no sperm at all in the ejaculate, a condition called AZOOSPERMIA. Our Genetic Department takes care of Pre Implantation Genetics study of the Embryos in families with Hereditary / Familial Diseases, or in couples with repeated miscarriages and Bad Obstetric History.
Third party reproduction is another boon for aged needy infertile couples with defective uterus or gametes (eggs & sperms). Our first case of ovum donation yielded a fruitful pregnancy for 48 years old woman in 1999 and the first surrogate mother had delivered of a term child in 2000. A medical miracle could be made in our prestigious institution in 2004 ( Feb 24th ) through egg donation, with which 64 years old Mrs. Pappathy delivered of a male child by caesarian section and the boy has completed nine years of age.